We had a fun meeting in April, very close to April Fool's Day but the projects displayed in Show and Tell were no joke. Check out some of these......
An entire table full of beautiful handcrafted items by CCS members.
Ready for the May Challenge - Let's knit some jewelry!!
The pattern: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/bangles-2
Ready for the May Challenge - Let's knit some jewelry!!
The pattern: http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/bangles-2
Some of Beth's prototypes:
So check your jewelry box (or the local charity store) for an unused, unloved bracelet and give it a new look. There is always a drawing for a gift certificate to a local yarn shop for challenge participants. At the last board meeting it was decided that we are going to eliminate the gift certificate for Show and Tell from now on, so participating in the monthly Challenge is the way to go!